Home [DSP] Section 2: 오디오 특성 추출

[DSP] Section 2: 오디오 특성 추출

[DSP] Section 2

[REF | AudioSignalProcessingForML]

4. Understanding Audio Signal

Audio Signal

  • Representation of sound
  • Encodes all info we need to reproduce sound


  • Analog vs Digital

Analog Signal

  • Continous values for time
  • Continous values for amplitude

Digital Signal

  • Sequence of discrete values
  • Data points can only take on a finite number of values

Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC)

  • Sampling
  • Quantization

Pulse-code modualation


Locating Samples

  • $t_n = nT$

    Sampling Rate

  • $s_r = {1 \over T}$

Nyquist Frequency

  • $f_N = {s_r \over 2}$



  • Resolution = num of bits
  • Bit depth
  • CD resolution = 16 bits

Memory for 1’ of sound

  • $((BitDepth \times SR / 1,048,576)/8) \times 60$
  • ${ {BitDepth \times SR} \over 1,048,576} \times {1 \over 8} \times 60$

Dynamic Range

  • Difference between largest/smallest signal a system can record

Signal-to-quantizaion-noise ratio

  • Relationship between max signal strength and quantization error
  • Correlates with dynamic range
  • $SQNR \approx 6.02 \times Q$
  • Q: Bit Depth
  • $SQNR(16) \approx 96dB$

How do we record sound?

  • Analog signal -> ADC -> Digital signal

How do we reproduce sound?

  • Digital signal -> DAC -> Analog signal

5. Types of audio featues for ML

Why audio features?

  • Description of sound
  • Different features capture different aspects of sound
  • Build intelligent audio systems

Audio feature categorisation

  • Level of abstraction
  • Temporal scope
  • Music aspect
  • Signal domain
  • ML approach

Level of abstraction

  • High-level : intrumentation, key, chords, melody, …
  • Mid-level : pitch-and beat-related descriptors, MFCC, …
  • Low-level : amplitude envelope, energy, spectral centroid, …

Temporal scope

  • Instantaneous (~50ms)
  • Segment-level (seconds)
  • Global

Music aspect

  • Beat
  • Timbre
  • Pitch
  • Harmony

Signal domain

  • Time domain
    • Amplitude envelope
    • RMS energy
  • Frequency domain (푸리에 변환 이용)
    • Band energy ratio
    • Spectral centroid
    • Spectral flux
  • Time-frequency representation
    • Spectrogram
    • Mel-spectrogram
    • Constant-Q transform

ML approach

  • Traditional ML
  • DL
Traditional ML (다양한 피처들 중 일부를 골라 분류)
  • Amplitude envelope
  • RMS energy
  • Zero crossing rate
  • 피처 전체를 넣음

Types of intelligent audio system

  • DSP -> rule-based system
  • Tranditional ML -> feature engineering
  • DL -> automatic feature extraction

6. How to Extract Audio Features?

Time-domain feature pipeline

  • Analog signal -> ADC -> Digital signal -> framing -> feature computation -> aggregation(mean, median, ..) -> feature value/vector/matrix


  • Perceivable audio chunk
    • $1 \ sample @ 44.1KHz = 0.0227ms$
    • $Duration \ 1 \ sample « Ear’s \ time resolution (10ms)$
  • Power of 2 num samples
  • Typical values: 256 - 8192
    • $d_f = {1 \over s_r} \times K$
    • d: duration
    • K: frame size

Frequency-domain feature pipeline

  • Analog signal -> ADC -> Digital signal -> framing -> windowing -> FT -> feature computation -> aggregation(mean, median, ..) -> feature value/vector/matrix

Spectral leakage

  • Processed signal isn’t an integer number of periods
  • Endpoints are discontinous
  • Discontinuities appear as high-frequency components not present in the original signal


  • Apply windowing function to each frame
  • Eliminates samples at both ends of a frame
  • Generates a periodic signal
Hann window
  • $w(k) = 0.5 \times (1 - \cos( { {2\pi k} \over K-1 } ) ), k=1…K$
  • k: sample rate
  • 윈도우 적용:
    • $s_w(k) = s(k) \times w(k), k=1…K$
  • 프레임을 이어붙이면 신호가 사라지는 문제가 있음
    • -> Overlapping frames으로 해결 가능
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23년 2월 3주차 주간 회고

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